Assisted Reproductive Technology

by Jerri Rowe, MS

Key Concepts


• Autonomy - The right of an individual to make knowledgeable decisions for themselves without coercion.
• Veracity-Truthfulness
• Beneficence - To provide benefit; enhance quality of life
• Non-maleficence - To do no harm
• Distributive justice (Fair opportunity) - The fair and equal distribution of resources in society.
• Altruism - Acting solely for the benefit of others
• Compassion-having sympathy for others' suffereing with a desire to alleviate that suffering.
• Informed Cosnent-To consent to a medical intervention after fully understanding the problem, procedure, risks and benefits of the procedure and alternative treatments.
• The Right to Privacy - The right of an individual not to be touched, observed or imposed upon
• Fidelity-To keep promises, fulfill agreements and/or fiduciary obligations.


AI (Artificial Insemination) - The placement of sperm within the female reproductive tract by a method other than sexual intercourse

AID - Artificial insemination with a donor other than the husband.

AIH - Artificial insemination by the husband.

ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) - All treatments that assist in human reproduction by way of special handling of eggs, sperm and/or embryos

EGG DONATION - The process of retrieving a human egg from a donor and then fertilizing with sperm in the laboratory and transferal of the embryos to the female recipient.

EMBRYO - The developing organism after fertilization.

FALLOPIAN TUBES - The pair of tubes that connect ovaries to the uterus and conduct the eggs to the uterus.

FERTILIZATION - The process of joining male and female gametes (eggs & sperm) to form a new individual.

GAMETE - Male and female reproductive cells (eggs & sperm)

GIFT (Gamete Intra-fallopian Transfer) - The combining of collected egg and sperm with immediate placement into the fallopian tubes to achieve fertilization

ICSI - (Intracytoplasmic sperm injection) - A procedure whereby a single sperm is injected through the cell wall directly into the ovum in the laboratory.

IVF - Fertilization outside of the body, usually in a laboratory Petri dish.

IUI - Artificial insemination of prepared sperm into the uterine cavity.

LAPAROSCOPY - A surgical procedure in which a tiny scope is inserted into the abdomen through a small incision.

OVUM (OVA) - The female reproductive cell produced each month by the ovary (egg).

OVARY - One of two small oval bodies situated on either side of the uterus in which the ova (eggs) are developed and released during ovulation.

OVULATION - The discharge of a ripened ovum at about the midpoint of the menstrual cycle.

PGD (Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis) The screening of embryos prior to implantation for genetic abnormalities

SPERM - The male reproductive cell, which is produced in great numbers in the testes.

SURROGATE - A woman who is either artificially inseminated (genetic surrogate) or undergoes IVF with donor

embryo (gestational surrogate) and carries a baby to term for others.

UTERUS - The female organ designed to lodge and nourish the developing baby until the time of birth.

ZIFT - Zygote intra-fallopian transfer. IVF with transfer of zygote into fallopian tube

ZYGOTE - A single diploid cell resulting from the fusion of male and female gametes at fertilization.