The Ancient Greeks and Their Ideas on Human Values

by Art Kane, M.A.

Core Values

- Honesty - cheating on an exam, presenting someone else's work or an internet article as your own, are not actions of an honest person.

- Integrity - having good moral character should prevent students from plagiarizing the
work of others; plagiarism is self-defeating because it prevents the person
from demonstrating what he or she can achieve by hard work.

- Respect - persons must honor the hard work of others, especially their teachers in the case of students, as well as the just expectations others, which parents
have for their children.

- Responsibility - persons must recognize the necessity for accepting responsibility
for all their actions and decisions in order to develop strong character traits.

- Pursuit of excellence - in order to achieve worthwhile goals in life and come to deserve the respect of others, it is necessary to recognize that hard work and
constant dedication to those goals are required for success.