Capital Punishment

by Jari Niemi, Ph.D.

Core Values


This is specifically related to respecting individuals and their right to life and freedom, as well as non-coercion. If all individuals have the right to life and freedom, then what are we to do with individuals who violate this right by harming others? Also, if all of us have the right to life, then how can the state justify putting people to death in form of a punishment? And even worse, what if the state executes an innocent person?


This is particularly related to recognizing the potentially discriminatory practices in administering capital punishment. There is ample evidence that, in United States, African-Americans who kill European-Americans are much more likely to receive the death penalty than European-Americans who kill African-Americans. So, should capital punishment be abolished since it cannot be fairly administered?


Democratic Citizenship in the form of rule of law and individual autonomy based upon reasoned argumentation. This is related to the skills-based component of the exercise which emphasizes reasons to justify one's opinions. Reasoned argumentation is arguably necessary for a well-functioning democracy. The decision about capital punishment cannot therefore be left to arbitrary decision-making but must be justified by good arguments.