Exploring the Rights of Human Subjects
by Eugene Provenzo, Ph.D.
Core Values
Kindness, Pursuit of Excellence, Respect, and Responsibility
These core values are reflected in this module in the following ways:
Citizenship-all citizens are provided due process no matter what their physical or mental limitations may be.
Fairness--individuals should not be treated unfairly simply because they are less intelligent than others.
Honesty-people need to be dealt with truthfully, and not deceived, whether they are developmentally challenged or not.
Integrity-people in positions of responsibility are shown objecting to the potentially unfair treatment of human subjects in a scientific experiment being supervised by superiors.
Kindess-characters in the novel show kindess and compassion to individuals who are developmentally challenged.
Pursuit of Excellence-the novel's main character, Charlie, strives to become all that he is capable of being. He is helped in this effort by other characters in the novel.
Respect-characters, such as Miss Kincaid, show respect for Charlie as a human being with feelings and thoughts of his own.
Responsibility-the scientists involved in the experiment with Charlie take responsibility for the experiment and its effects on him after the project is finished.