Journalism Ethics and Media Responsibility
by Ruben Rabinsky, Ph.D.
Miami-Dade County Competency-Based Curriculum Standards
Language Arts English III (Grade 11) Component: Composition Objectives: 1. Understands and practices the reading/writing connection 3. Writes a precise thesis statement that is declarative, controlling, and defensible, and supports it with fully developed paragraphs 5. Writes multi-paragraph compositions to include essays of five paragraphs or more reflecting sound organization, logical development (including comparison/contrast, cause/effect, classification, order of importance, and spatial relationships), and accepted rules of written standard American English Component: Listening/Speaking/Viewing Objectives: 2. Applies appropriate listening, speaking, and viewing skills in a variety of settings. 3. Designs, delivers, and evaluates classroom oral presentations. 4. Analyzes and critiques a variety of audiovisual presentations. Component: Informational Reading/Information Literacy/Study and Test-Taking Objective: 1. Uses effective reading strategies in a variety of informational contexts: -previews and identifies organizational patterns, analyzes and evaluates information -determines the main idea and supporting details in a variety of written material -evaluates the accuracy of information in a variety of selections based on the author's purpose and/or bias, audience, and sources -evaluates conflicting information to determine which is more valid * * *
Updated and additional benchmarks are available at Florida Standards and Access Points
Standard 3: Media Literacy
The student develops and demonstrates an understanding of media literacy as a life skill that is integral to informed decision making.
The student will distinguish between propaganda and ethical reasoning strategies in print and nonprint media;
The student will ethically use mass media and digital technology in assignments and presentations, citing sources according to standardized citation styles; and
The student will demonstrate the ability to select print and nonprint media appropriate for the purpose, occasion, and audience to develop into a formal presentation.