Freedom of Speech
by Jari I. Niemi
* Edwin Baker, C., 1989. Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech. Oxford: Oxford University Press. * Cohen, J., 1993, "Freedom of Expression," in Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol 22, No.3. * Dworkin, A., 1981, Pornography: Men Possessing Women. London: The Women's Press. * Feinberg, J., 1984, Harm to Others: The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. * -----, 1985, Offense to Others: The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. * Fish, S. 1994, There's No Such Thing as Free Speech...and it's a good thing too. New York: Oxford University Press. * Flathman, R., 1987, The Philosophy and Politics of Freedom. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. * Gray, J., 1996, Mill on Liberty: A Defence. London: Routledge. * Jacobson, D., 2000, "Mill on Liberty, Speech, and the Free Society," in Philosophy and Public Affairs, 29 no.3. * Kateb, G., 1989, "The Freedom of Worthless and Harmful Speech" in Liberalism without Illusions: Essays on Liberal Theory and the Political Vision of Judith N. Shklar. ed. Bernard Yack. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. * Kramer, M., 2002, "Why Freedoms Do Not Exist by Degrees," in Political Studies, Vol 50. * Langton, R., 1990. " Whose Right? Ronald Dworkin, Women, and Pornographers, " in Philosophy and Public Affairs, 19, no.4. * -------, 1993, "Speech Acts and Unspeakable Acts," in Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol.22, No.4. * MacKinnon, C., 1987, Feminism Unmodified. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. * Mill, J.S., 1978, On Liberty. Indianapolis:Hackett Publishing Press. * Raz, J., 1986, The Morality of Freedom. Clarendon: Oxford University Press. * Rees, J.C., 1991, "A Re-reading of Mill on Liberty" in J.S. Mill-On Liberty in Focus, eds. John Gray and G.W. Smith. London: Routledge. * Riley, J., 1998, Mill on Liberty. New York: Routledge. * * * * * * * * * * * *