Journalism Ethics and Media Responsibility

by Ruben Rabinsky, Ph.D.


Books  &  Articles


Philosophy of Journalism:  On the Theory and Practice of the News Enterprise, by Ruben Rabinsky  (Doctoral Dissertation, University of Miami, 1998)


Philosophical Issues in Journalism, ed. by Elliot Cohen (Oxford University Press, 1992)


Legacy of Wisdom: Great Thinkers and Journalism,  by  John Merrill   (Iowa State University Press, 1994)


Ethical Issues in Journalism and the Media    by  A. Belsey & R. Chadwick.


The Virtuous Journalist,  by  Tom Beauchamp and Stephen Klaidman (Oxford University Press, 1987)


Objectivity: The Obligations of Impersonal Reason, by Nicholas Rescher. (University of Notre Dame Press, 1987)


Propaganda and Persuasion,  (4th edition) by G. Jowett and V. O’Donnell  (Sage Publishers)


Necessary Illusions:  Thought Control in Democratic Societies, by Noam Chomsky (South End Press)


Media Argumentation,  by Douglas Walton. (Cambridge University Press)

Critical Thinking, (6th edition) by Richard Parker and Brooke Moore (Mayfield Publishing)

Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric, (8th edition) by Howard Kahane (Wadsworth Press) 

Investigative Journalism: Context and Practice, Hugo de Burgh (ed), Routledge, London and New York, 2000.

All the President’s Men, by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward (New York: Touchstone, 1987; first published in 1974)

The Idiot Culture”, by Carl Bernstein (downloadable article from his website at:

Can Reporters Handle the Truth”, by David Kelley (downloadable article from The Atlas Society’s Website at:


Web Resources


American Society of Newspaper Editors


Stabile Center for Investigative Journalism (at Columbia University)


Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR)


Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE)  [ at the Missouri School of Journalism ]


Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting  (FAIR)


Accuracy in Media (AIM)