Assisted Reproductive Technology

by Jerri Rowe, MS


#1. Ask students to develop an Ethical Regulatory Plan on the following issue:

Should IVF centers be regulated? If so, what aspects should be regulated?

A) Clinic certification
B) Donor limitations
C) Age restrictions for recipients
D) Counseling
E) Commercialization of gametes
F) Embryo disposal
G) Embryo storage
H) Embryo adoption
I) Embryo experimentation

#2. Debate: Have four students portray the two couples in the Case Study in Activity #1 in the main module. The debate questioni is: Why would the twins be better off in their custody than with the other couple?.

#3 Have students play the part of the twins )in the Case Study in Activity #1 in the main module) at 15 years of age, expressing their feelings (can be presented as one who cares about his genetic make-up/one who doesn't see a problem).