A Consideration of Ethics in Chinua Achebe’s novel Things Fall Apart

by Joanna Johnson, M.A.

Assessments Activities


1. Cultural relativism is the claim that (Answer A)
a. different cultures have ways of responding to ethical concerns and no culture is any better or any worse than any other
b. All cultures are related
c. My culture is better than your

2. Critical thinking about ethics in a cultural context involves (Answer c)
a. rejecting cultural differences
b. tolerating whatever someone from another culture claims is right for them
c. considering whether our own ethical response could make use of cross cultural insights

3. The fact that individuals from different cultures disagree about ethics permits us to conclude that (Answer c)
a. There is no right or wrong answer to a moral problem
b. We are better off sticking to what is true for us
c. There might be more than one morally acceptable solution