Ethics and the Commercialization of Outer Space

by Sandra Schuh, Ph.D.


Setting the Stage: Some Questions to Think About

How will new energies from space b allocated if we find ways to capture solar energy in space via solar collector satellites?

Will the energy source be distributed to each nation or industrial company according to its monetary contributions to the project?

Should profits and/or energy sources be spread out according to need?


This module examines ethical issues involved in the commercialization of Outer Space. The problems of commerce and economic justice in space threaten to present some of the most complex challenges for the field of ethics in the future. If a space based business differs significantly from its earth based sister company? Are we presented with a new set of ethical issues, or are we confronted, for example, with the same "business as usual" ethical problems that plague us here on earth? Is "business ethics" an oxymoron? Is "space based business ethics" an oxymoron? We must investigate the ethical data as well as the technical and scientific data involved in our venture into outer-space. We need to make sure our trek into outer space is pursued in peaceful, safe, productive and ethical ways.